Anna Rosling Ronnlund

Anna Rosling Ronnlund

Anna Rosling Ronnlung is an acclaimed author and lecturer who has gained notoriety for her bestselling book, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We are Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better than You Think. Ronnlung examines why our perceptions of the world are wrong and why misconceptions impede our problem-solving ability, offering practical strategies for leading a happier and more productive life.

Ronnlung was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, and has a bachelor’s degree in sociology and Russian literature. She later earned a master’s degree in business administration and psychology, and a PhD in behavior science, organizational change, and leadership. She has lectured in psychology, sociology and leadership at universities around Sweden and has spoken in 25 countries.

In 2009, Ronnlung co-founded the nonprofit organisation Gapminder, which studies how social, economic, environmental and health trends are interlinked. Through Gapminder, Ronnlung recruits, trains and support experts in the use of innovative learning tools and data visualisation. One of the organisation’s significant contributions has been to create an interactive tool which has been used to convince high school students to study economics, and which has since been used to coach millions of citizens, teachers, and business leaders about global trends.

In 2018, Ronnlung wrote her latest book, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We are Wrong About the World—and Why Things are Better Than You Think. The book is a New York Times bestseller and focuses on why people’s perception of the world can be wrong and how we can replace this false picture with factual information. Throughout the book, Ronnlung examines ten basic instincts that easily lead us astray, such as “gap instinct,” “straight line instinct,” and “size instinct.” With evidence-based argument and engaging anecdotes, Ronnlung equips readers with strategies to rewire their way of thinking and to start seeing the world’s complexity.

Since its publication, Factfulness has been lauded by world leaders and prominent figures in economics, global health, and politics. Peter Löfgren, who heads the Grand Challenges project at Uppsala University, states that “Factfulness is a powerful tool for seeing the world in its real complexity.” This powerful tool can be applied not only to changing perceptions and problem-solving, but to sparking action as well.

In addition to writing and lecturing, Ronnlung continues to serve as the Executive Director of Gapminder and as an Adjunct Professor at Stockholm School of Economics. In her free time, she enjoys running, playing tennis and spending time with her family.

Anna Rosling Ronnlung is an author, scientist and lecturer who has made groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of global trends and how flawed perceptions of the world impact our problem-solving abilities. Her book, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We are Wrong About the World—and Why Things are Better Than You Think, has been highly acclaimed and has served to shift the way we view the world. By changing our perception and relying on evidence-based arguments, Ronnlung has opened our minds to the world’s complexity and empowered us to take action.

Author books:

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong about the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong about the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

This book is a guide to understanding why things in the world are better than perceived, with 10 facts to help build this knowledge.