David Brooks
David Brooks is a celebrated author and New York Times columnist whose work has graced the pages of the influential journal for over two decades. His sharp insights capture the complexity of modern life, and his keen eye has gained him a devoted following among readers and pundits alike. From analyzing American politics and culture to exploring the depths of human nature, his columns and books explore why we think and act the way we do.
Born in 1961, Brooks grew up in a suburb of Philadelphia, surrounded by intelligent but often unambitious parents. He decided early on that he wanted to write, but it was not until after graduating from the University of Chicago with a degree in history, philosophy, and literature in 1983 that he began his writing career. Starting out as an editorial assistant at The Public Interest, Brooks moved on to work for The Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, and The Atlantic Monthly before joining the New York Times in 2003.
Brooks’ writing draws from a deep intellectual well from a variety of eras and disciplines. In books such as Bobos in Paradise (2000), he couples social history with the psychological study of modern consumer culture to create a unique portrait of the culture of suburban life. In On Paradise Drive (2004), he turns his attention to present-day America, considering the psychology of the nation’s recent history. His latest work, The Social Animal (2011), offers an in-depth look at the hidden inner workings of the human mind.
Drawing on decades of experience, Brooks tackles his subjects with authority and insight. In his New York Times columns, he tackles weighty topics such as economics, education, and politics without forgetting humanity at the core. His essays humanize his subject matter and convey a sense of wisdom gained from experience. As a result, he has been credited with helping to shape the nation’s public discourse by raising the standard of informed debate.
To the delight of readers, Brooks has continued to produce great works throughout his career. In 2009, he released The Road to Character, a collection of essays on the virtues of inner success and the relationships between morality, life goals, and happiness. This work was praised for its subtle yet profound reflections on the human condition as a whole. In 2018, he released The Second Mountain, a book about finding true fulfillment through complete fully embrace spiritually and cultivating an intimate relationship with God.
At its core, the work of David Brooks is an exploration of the human experience and how our deepest motivations fuel the way we act and interact. Analyzing America’s bygone culture, its current politics and how these affect our souls, he speaks to the heart of our shared experience. His thought-provoking insights and carefully crafted arguments will undoubtedly continue to shape the public discourse for many years to come.