Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott is a Canadian business consultant and author of 14 books on the use of advancing technology to create value in the 21st century. A sought-after speaker and a leader in the field of information technology,Tapscott has been credited with pioneering the idea that individuals, business and government must transform themselves to remain competitive in our rapidly changing digital world.

Tapscott’s first book, Paradigm Shift: The Future of Innovation, Technology and Education, was published in 1995. It laid out a broad vision for the potential of technology, as it relates to business, education and culture. He argued that embracing technology was essential for businesses to remain competitive in the 21st century. This idea was further explored in his 1997 follow-up work, Digital Economy: Promise & Peril.

His subsequent best-selling books, Growing Up Digital and Digital Capital, focused on the impact of technology on society and how businesses can establish themselves as digital enterprises. His co-authored books Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything and Macrowikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet delved into the power of collaboration enabled by technology.

In 2019, Tapscott co-authored Blockchain Revolution, which delves into the potential of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is expected to revolutionize digital recordkeeping, payments, and the running and tracking of social and government networks. In the book, Tapscott outlines how new and distributed technologies can unlock the potential of a digital economy and more.

In addition to his books, Tapscott has written extensively in the media and on the web. He is a sought-after public speaker and has appeared on television and radio shows and delivered TED talks. He also founded the Global Solutions Network, an online community for business, education and policy-makers, as well as the Institute for the Future of the Internet, which focuses on technology and its implications for government and business.

Tapscott’s success can be attributed to his ability to connect the dots between technology, learning and our global economy. His work has provided global business and government leaders with the tools to better integrate technology into their operations in order to remain competitive in our rapidly changing digital world. His ideas have been widely praised, and his books and other works have become essential reading for anyone interested in information technology.

Author books:

Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World

Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World

A must-read guide to understanding blockchain technology and its effects on the world of money, business, and beyond.