Pia Silva

Pia Silva

Pia Silva is an award-winning author, entrepreneur and a sought after consultant. Along with being listed on Forbes, Pia has been honoured as a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and named a "Marketing Expert to Watch" by Entrepreneur Magazine.

Pia was born and raised in New York but currently lives in Pennsylvania. She has written two books – "Badass Your Brand: The Impatient Entrepreneur’s Guide to Turning Expertise Into Profit" and "Best Branding Practices: The Proven Methodologies We've Used to Help Businesses Become Best Selling Authors, Hyped Products and International Brands".

"Badass Your Brand" is Pia's first book and it was published in 2018. The book outlines a practical step-by-step guide for entrepreneurs looking to monetize their expertise in order to generate leads, build strong relationships and create on-going income. It WAs quickly gATered in awards, including winning Small Business Book of the Year from Small Business Trends.

In the book, Pia emphasizes the power of brand building and how it can make all the difference in an entrepreneur’s attempt to stand out and make an impact. With many down-to-earth strategies and tactics, the book offers a realistic and practical approach to setting up a successful business. Pia offers simple steps such as creating a signature package and generating leads through social media.

Pia Silva's second book "Best Branding Practices: The Proven Methodologies We've Used to Help Businesses Become Best Selling Authors, Hyped Products and International Brands," was released in 2019. This book builds off of the themes introduced in her first book and provides more comprehensive step-by-step processes for building a successful business.

The book is focused on helping entrepreneurs create a powerful and impactful brand and developing it further to become a household name. Pia provides actionable advice such as working with influencers, using compelling visuals for content and using AI technology to help boost SEO and website visibility.

Overall, Pia Silva is an extremely successful author, entrepreneur and consultant whose books provide an easy-to-follow framework for any entrepreneur looking to build a successful business. Her books, "Badass Your Brand: The Impatient Entrepreneur’s Guide to Turning Expertise Into Profit" and "Best Branding Practices: The Proven Methodologies We've Used to Help Businesses Become Best Selling Authors, Hyped Products and International Brands," If you're looking to gain a better understanding of how to successfully monetize your expertise and how to create a successful and impactful brand.

Author books:

Badass Your Brand: The Impatient Entrepreneur’s Guide to Turning Expertise into Profit

Badass Your Brand: The Impatient Entrepreneur’s Guide to Turning Expertise into Profit

A fast-paced guide to turning expertise into business success, full of actionable advice and innovative strategies.