Ryan Foland

Ryan Foland

Ryan Foland is an internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker, and leadership development strategist from Bridgeport, Connecticut. Through his writings and speaking engagements, Ryan Foland has helped thousands of people around the world discover their inner leader and achieve their highest potential. He is a contributing guest author to Forbes, Entrepreneur, CIO, The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Ryan Foland's mission is to empower people to unlock the true potential of their leadership through a powerful message of engagement, growth, and self-realization. His work has been shared with people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and positions, allowing them to reach beyond their current limitations and make a lasting impact on their team and in their organization. He has spoken at many major conferences, including the Global Leadership Summit, The Huffington Post Global Leadership Conclave, and Dreamforces.

Through his books and media, Ryan has built an impressive platform for helping people develop as leaders. His first book, Activate Your Leader Within, was released in 2019 and has become an international bestselling hit. This book outlines Ryan’s Leadership Activation Method, a five-step process he created to help people tap into their innate leadership abilities. The book explores what it means to be a true leader, why leadership is essential for success in any organization, and the steps necessary to activate your inner leader.

In addition to his books, Ryan has produced an award-winning podcast, The Activation Method, to provide ongoing leadership development strategies. In this podcast, Ryan shares ideas, strategies, and insights while interviewing guests from around the world on leadership, change-making, innovation, and personal development. His podcast is a valuable resource for leaders of all levels and backgrounds, and has featured luminaries like Sir Richard Branson and Shawn Achor.

In addition to his written and oral contributions, Ryan continues to hold leadership development workshops and classes for everything from Fortune 500 companies to local community organizations. He has also founded the Leadership Rapid Activator Program, which provides aspiring and experienced leaders with the tools and resources they need to progress quickly in their respective fields.

Overall, Ryan Foland's books, podcasts, workshops and classes have inspired a wave of positive change in the corporate world in recent years. He has actively engaged a worldwide audience in an ongoing dialogue around the importance of the individual leader and the specific steps they must take to create maximum impact. Ryan's gripping storytelling and powerful leadership insights have made a lasting impression on the world, inspiring people to reach their fullest potential as leaders and make a difference in their respective organizations.

Author books:

Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success

Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success

This book teaches anyone to embrace and embody their unique selves to achieve greater success.