Brave Enough

by Cheryl Strayed

Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed

"Brave Enough" by Cheryl Strayed is an inspiring memoir that shares her inspiring story of overcoming personal struggles and recovering from loss. Cheryl had endured the death of her mother, a divorce, and numerous other life struggles that made her feel lost and uncared for. When she was at the lowest point in her life, she decided to take a hike on the challenging Pacific Crest Trail-- a 2,659-mile journey that took her 95 days and changed her life.

In her heartfelt memoir, Cheryl tells her story of transformation and growth during the long journey. Despite having no prior experience as a hiker, she plowed forward with a strong sense of determination and self-motivation. She faced fear, loneliness, and exhaustion on a daily basis, but was driven by her own inner strength. Through her inspiring personal journey, Cheryl learned how to love and care for herself, how to take risks, and how to develop a newfound appreciation for life.

The book offers an honest, personal look at Cheryl's experience as well as insights from other hikers she encountered along the way. She details the hard work, determination, and courage she needed to face physical and mental challenges. This is evident when she encounters a raging creek and must find the courage to move forward, or when she encounters a bear in the middle of the night that she can barely make out in the darkness. By illustrating these difficult moments, Cheryl shares wisdom gained from her experience that encourages readers to take control of their own lives and to strive for something greater.

One of the primary themes of "Brave Enough" is that instead of feeling victimized by circumstance, Cheryl chose to take lemons and make lemonade. Despite feeling completely lost at some points of the journey, she still found the courage to persist and finish. She also faced many trials with grace, such as when she ran out of money and had to rely on the kindness of strangers to get her through tough times. By applying a strong sense of courage, Cheryl was able to help herself through any situation she encountered.

Cheryl also learned the value of self-care during her journey by taking the time to practice self-compassion and love. The focus of the book is to demonstrate how loving yourself is the path to finding a greater respect and appreciation for life. Her inner strength and courage blended with the rediscovery of self-love, ultimately enabled Cheryl to find freedom, peace and joy.

Ultimately, Cheryl's memoir is an inspiring story of relentless courage, self-love, and determination. Her incredible journey unveils courage, strength and hope in the face of fear, pain, and change. Cheryl's story is one that leaves us feeling empowered and inspired to take action-- to become courageous and brave enough to take our own paths in life.