Humankind: A Hopeful History

by Rutger Bregman

Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman

Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman is a book of historical optimism and exploration of the human capacity for kindness and cooperation. With an eye towards the future, Bregman seeks to dispel popular notions of human "brutishness" and cynicism, highlighting the immense strides made in human development.

A historian with a flair for storytelling, Bregman offers an enlightening and sometimes humorous look back at our history. In the introduction, he points to the popular (and scientifically unsupported) belief that human history is a "bestial epic of violence, a 'war of all against all'". This fallacy, he argues, has been deeply ingrained in our collective psyche and is ultimately damaging. With history, he offers an antidote to this misconception: a vision of progress, hope and possibility.

Beginning with our prehistoric ancestors, Bregman chronicles the evolution of human social organisation and our capacity for cooperation and communal life. Drawing on archaeological research, he refutes the idea of an 'originary battle for survival', pointing to a wealth of evidence for peaceful and cooperative societies. As evolution proceeded, humans became ever more complex and capable, the capacity for cooperation growing in step with the challenges posed by their environment.

In subsequent chapters, Bregman navigates the major political, intellectual and religious movements that have shaped our history. From ancient Athens to the Renaissance period, from the Age of Enlightenment to early socialism, he examines the advances in thought that have enabled us to develop and strengthen our cooperative spirit. Bregman advocates for a reappraisal of the notion of "progress" and its relation to the role of human action. In doing so, he points to a vision of the future that is necessarily underpinned by strong collective principles, including the importance of universal human rights, understanding and mutual respect.

Ultimately, Bregman seeks to embolden us to believe in the potential of human beings to come together and build a better world. His work lifts the veil of fear over our future, offering a hopeful narrative of a richer, more collective future. Humankind: A Hopeful History is an inspiring and thought-provoking narrative of progress and promise, demonstrating that the history of humanity is ultimately one of hopeful acceptance, understanding and unity.