"Levels of the Game" by John McPhee is a captivating exploration of tennis, told through the lens of an apprentice who immerses himself in the lives of two top tennis players. With sharp insight and an eye for detail, McPhee gives us a unique and fascinating look into the minds and motivations of the two young players, Arthur Ashe and Clark Graebner.
The book begins with a description of Ashe and Graebner, two distinct personalities who represent different types of Americanness. Ashe was a trailblazing black player who revolutionized the game in the late sixties and made it the global sport it is today, while Graebner embodied the traditional white country-club player, experienced and composed beyond his years. The two had never met before their match at Forest Hills in 1968, but both had a deep understanding of the game and an intense desire to win.
From there, McPhee expertly dissects each of their styles, giving readers a captivating look into the psychology of professional tennis players. We learn about the physical and psychological underpinnings of the game, as well as the ways in which each man’s character affects his play. McPhee additionally dives into the unique strategies each player uses to tackle their respective opponents.
McPhee’s writing is vibrant and well-paced, never failing to draw in readers with vivid descriptions of the players’ motions and strategies. He also delves into the emotions that drive the two men, providing insight into their respective points-of-view and motivations. Through this narrative, we see a remarkable dynamic unfold between Ashe and Graebner as they battle on court.
Finally, McPhee brings the narrative to a close with Graebner’s victory. Here, McPhee weaves in the theme of competition’s essential role in sportsmanship and its role in unifying the different aspects of one’s game. Through the game of tennis, McPhee shows us how the widest gulfs can be overcome, and how a bond can be formed between two men who began as complete strangers.
By delving into the psychology, strategy and personal lives of two outstanding players, "Levels of the Game" offers us a unique look into the beauty and complexity of the game of tennis. Through his vivid and insightful prose, John McPhee has crafted a book that remains a must-read for any fan of the sport.