Making Sense: Conversations on Consciousness, Morality, and the Future of Humanity by Sam Harris
Making sense of conversations about consciousness, morality, and the future of humanity is a book by Sam Harris and it aims to provide readers with a comprehensive exploration of these topics. The book is divided into three parts: The Limits of Scientific Understanding, The Nature and Limits of Moral Understanding, and On the Future of Humanity. Each section sheds light on a different aspect of our understanding of the universe, and why we are obliged to question it.
In the first section of the book, Harris tackles the limits of the human capacity to comprehend scientific principles. He cites artificial intelligence and quantum mechanics as two examples of inquiries, which are likely beyond our full understanding. However, he emphasizes that knowledge should still be an aim of scientific research, as the value of gaining a greater understanding of the laws that govern the universe can bring progress to humanity. He also argues for the intrinsic value of scientific inquiry, highlighting that questions about the nature of the universe are important for their own sake.
The second section delves into questions of morality, proposing that there is a basis for objective moral values despite our inability to ever fully understand them. Harris argues that moral values are necessary for human flourishing, and for a healthy, functioning society. He presents a principled approach to ethical decision-making based on the interests of conscious creatures, and the notion that our moral conduct is a reflection of our own personal integrity.
The third section of the book focuses on the potential futures of humanity. Harris outlines a global vision of technological progress and how it can help create opportunities and alleviate suffering on a global scale. He also speaks to the global challenges we face, including climate change, poverty, and inequality. But he encourages readers to look beyond the bleakness of the future to the potential of humanity to achieve impressive feats.
In conclusion, Making Sense of Conversations on Consciousness, Morality, and the Future of Humanity is a thought-provoking book that explores the concepts of consciousness and morality in a reasoned, logical manner. Harris never fails to inject evidence-based insight into his arguments, and in doing so, invites us to step back and re-evaluate our understanding of the universe. Ultimately, Harris serves as a beacon of hope and advocates for a more scientifically enlightened, ethical society, which is what makes this book an essential read for anyone interested in the intersection of science, ethics, and progress.