Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is a work of fiction that follows the story of an Australian criminal, Linbaba, as he makes his way in the criminal underworld of Bombay, India. Through his experiences in India, he discovers spiritual truths and lessons in the losses that he experiences along the way.
Lin is on the run from a 20-year sentence that he received in Australia and makes his way to India. He arrives in the slums of Bombay with nothing but a few books and the clothes on his back. He quickly earns a living as a passport forger, but eventually is captured by Indian police officers and sentenced to life imprisonment. However, when they transfer him to the infamous Arthur Road Prison, he is able to escape with the help of his cellmate, Prabaker.
Prabaker takes him under his wing and gives him shelter at his home in Leopold Café. Through their friendship, Lin discovers the depths of Bombay life, living and basking in the beauty of the culture and learning from the people around him. He often meets with the mafia don Khader and gets involved in crime that he knows will doom him.
Throughout his journey in Bombay, Lin battles his internal demons and struggles to find inner peace. He meets a number of people that shape his experience including Karla, a beautiful woman he falls in love with, and Dr. Iyer, who guides him spiritually. He also finds himself lost in the struggles of the city with its poverty and police who often times abuse their power.
Ultimately, Lin comes to learn important life truths and develops a deep appreciation for India and its culture. His spiritual journey is one that is accepting and forgiving of himself and others. Shantaram is an exploration of an underworld, wrapped in the vibrant and enriching culture of India. Through the novel, readers can expect to come away with lessons in self-understanding and of the lessons of love and forgiven
Linbaba's adventure through India is a roller coaster of both tragedy and beauty. He oscillates between living and basking in the beauty of the Indian culture and struggling with his demons. Through difficult experiences, he discovers spiritual truths and an eventual appreciation for the culture and people around him. He comes to understand that even in the darkest depths of life, there can still be beauty and hope found. Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is a story of transformation and grace. Through Lin's journey, readers are taken on an exploration of underworlds and cultural beauties, painting a vivid portrait of life, love and beauty.