One of the most renowned and beloved books of the 20th century, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, tells a simple and timeless story about following one’s heart in pursuit of a life-fulfilling destiny. First published in 1988, the novel has sold over 150 million copies and is a testament to the power of telling a story that rings true in the heart of readers around the world.
The Alchemist begins by introducing the reader to its protagonist, Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd. A recurring dream has been compelling him to travel to the pyramids in Egypt, and convinced the dream is a spiritual directive, Santiago embarks on a journey to make his dream a reality.
Along the way Santiago meets many people who teach him important lessons. An old king gives Santiago advise by telling him to “listen to your heart,” and an Englishman who exchanges his sheep for Santiago’s dream has a pivotal role in prompting Santiago to pursue his heart’s desires. Eventually, Santiago meets an old alchemist who helps him to understand the spiritual truth in his dreams. He teaches Santiago that we must follow our destiny and to never waiver from our path. The alchemist tells Santiago that if one follows their omens and believes in one’s destiny, they will find success and true happiness.
As Santiago continues pursuing his dream to discover the secrets of the pyramids, he discovers secrets not only about the material world’s secrets but also truths about life and our inner world. After his many struggles and obstacles, Santiago’s journey is ultimately a success. He was able to decipher his omens and this enabled him to find fulfillment in his journey and the real truth about life.
In The Alchemist, Coelho has managed to make a complex concept widely relatable. The novel is highly symbolic and loaded with allegory from the recurring dream to making gold from ordinary rocks. The book speaks of the same inner workings of our soul we have always heard about and shows that by following our purpose, we can find true happiness and success.
Throughout the novel, Coelho illustrates the power of following one’s heart and puts forth the idea that no matter how obscure a dream may be, it is still worth following. Santiago discovers that while it took him a while to decipher the omens, his dream has already chosen him, showing that it is never too late to pursue our destiny.
The novel has reached a wide array of audiences and been recognised as one of the top best-selling books in history. The Alchemist sends a universal message that speaks to readers from all walks of life, inspiring them to embark on their true path and to stay true to their dreams. It has become a beloved classic of our times and stands as a classic testament to the power of unlocking one’s destiny.