Namwali Serpell's novel, The Furrows, is a vivid and enthralling work that will transport readers to the African nation of Zambia. The story follows Tumaini Phiri, a young woman living in the city of Lusaka. Born into a family of farmers, her father has recently died and her mother is struggling to make ends meet. When a potential solution presents itself in the form of a mysterious man's offer of a job in Zimbabwe, Tumaini is faced with a decision: stay and try to make her mother's life a success, or take the risk and move to Zimbabwe.
The Furrows offers an intimate portrait of the country of Zambia and its people. Despite the hardships that she and her family have faced, Tumaini still manages to find joy in every aspect of her life. From her friendship with her loyal friend Sijani, to her undeniable passion for music and literature, The Furrows gives readers a glimpse into Tumaini's intriguing world.
The central theme of The Furrows is the importance and beauty of home. As Tumaini moves from Silulu, the rural village where she was born, to the bustling city of Lusaka and ultimately to Zimbabwe, she is met with both joys and sorrows that remind her of the solace of bonded families and the warmth of familiar surroundings. This theme is further explored in the unique way that Tumaini's mother, Lamekamuhali, relates to the unfamiliar setting of Zimbabwe.
In addition to the stunning setting of The Furrows, Serpell brings to life a compelling and complex set of characters. From Tumaini, who is driven and ambitious despite the fact that she feels rooted to her family, to Jacob, the mysterious man who will change Tumaini's life, each character is accompanied by a unique set of motivations and goals. As their stories intertwine, readers will be thoroughly captivated by the amazing plot twists that are sure to come.
Overall, The Furrows is a captivating and cleverly woven story of family, betrayal, survival and ultimately redemptive love. With setting as vivid as a dream and characters as real as family, Serpell creates a story of unforgettable beauty. Whether readers are looking for a way to identify with Tumaini's struggle or to simply delight in the rich descriptions of Zambia, The Furrows is sure to be an enjoyable read.