The Last Days of Night: A Novel

by Graham Moore

The Last Days of Night: A Novel by Graham Moore

Graham Moore's The Last Days of Night is a captivating novel set in New York City in the late 1880s that tells the story of attorney Paul Cravath as he struggles to change the world of electricity. During this time, electricity was beginning to revolutionize the modern world and two of the most important figures in this era were Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse. Moore weaves a captivating tale as Cravath heads to court to represent Westinghouse in his effort to beat Edison in the battle for the lighting market.

The novel begins as Thomas Edison is testing out his long-desired direct current (DC) system. This system relied on expensive infrastructure that needed to be installed close to the customer. Meanwhile, Westinghouse had developed an AC (alternating current) system that allowed for long-distance transmission and was a much cheaper way to deliver electricity. The two men immediately set out to battle each other in the courts, as Edison sued Westinghouse for infringing on his patents.

When Edison is unable to secure a victory in court, he hires his own lawyer, Paul Cravath, to represent him. Cravath is a young, unsure attorney who has just moved to New York City with his wife intending to take part in this historic battle. Cravath is a brilliant lawyer but is intimidated by the veteran attorneys representing Edison. However, Cravath quickly gains confidence when he recognizes the weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.

The novel follows Cravath as he uncovers evidence that helps Westinghouse prove that Edison’s DC system is inferior and violates Westinghouse’s patent rights. With the help of scientist attorney Mattheus Bailey Finn, Cravath discovers that Edison has been tampering with the evidence and lying to the court on multiple occasions. Cravath uses this evidence to prove that Edison’s DC system violates Westinghouse’s patent rights and should not be allowed to be monopolize the electricity market.

The novel is full of vivid imagery and characters so readers can imagine the hustle and bustle of the New York City streets at the time. Moore also manages to bring some interesting connections to the electric industry today such as how electricity is still made and how monopolies are still fought today.

Overall, The Last Days of Night is an engrossing novel that captures the power of electricity and its role in the modern world. It is a thrilling story about a powerful industry, a brilliant lawyer and a fight for justice. By the end of the novel, it becomes clear how the legal battle between Edison and Westinghouse changed the course of history. Moore’s highly engaging narrative keeps readers captivated until the very last page.