The Science of Getting Rich

by Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is a self-help book that is jam-packed with advice on how to gain financial success and wealth. Written in 1910, the book has been a best-seller throughout the years and is based upon the idea of the law of attraction; that is, that by focusing on success, you can attract it. It is less of a “how to” book and more of an inspirational book; it provides encouraging thoughts that teach the reader that getting rich is achievable and within reach.

The main message of The Science of Getting Rich is that one must replace negative and destructive thinking with positive, productive thoughts. Wattles believes that by doing this, and maintaining a mindset of diligence, focus, and effort, wealth will automatically follow. He also stresses the importance of surrounding oneself with success oriented people and avoiding those who think success can't be achieved.

The first couple of chapters of the book focus on teaching the reader about “The Right to Be Rich.” Wattles argues that, as long as one follows the laws of the land and does not take anything that belongs to another, everyone has the right to become wealthy. He then moves on to discuss the three steps to achieving success: the acquisition of money, the development of character, and the taking of risks.

When it comes to the acquisition of money, Wattles believes that it is merely a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. He argues that it is not money that creates wealth, but the idea behind it; a good idea and a determination to achieve it are worth more than money. He goes on to state that money is not something that must be earned, but rather something that is already present, but needs to be recognized and utilized.

When it comes to the development of character, Wattles believes that strong values are essential to success. He states that one must develop the capacity to think on their feet and make decisions quickly, while still maintaining an open mind and being aware of the possibilities. Additionally, he stresses the importance of being kind and carrying yourself with dignity, as well as looking at yourself honestly and understanding that everyone has imperfections and failings.

Finally, when it comes to taking risks, Wattles emphasizes the importance of not being afraid to experiment and take calculated risks. He writes that one should never be afraid to try something new, even if it is a bit uncomfortable, as this can often lead to great rewards.

Overall, The Science of Getting Rich is a thought-provoking and inspiring book full of advice and wisdom for those looking to gain financial success and wealth. The book contains simple yet insightful advice and examples of how to be successful, and is sure to motivate and encourage readers to work hard in order to achieve their goals. For anyone looking for a motivating and helpful read, The Science of Getting Rich is the perfect choice.