Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code

by David DeSteno

Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code by David DeSteno

The world of coding is one that requires extensive knowledge and training to truly excel in. With the vast majority of coding languages very similar to one another, a reliable skill set needs to be established to produce successful code. Fortunately, Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code by David DeSteno provides readers with the tools necessary to create long-lasting code that can achieve even the most complex tasks.

The primary focus of Code Craft is on teaching readers the necessary skills required to write code that is efficient, reliable and well thought-out. DeSteno points out that despite most coding languages being similar, there are still some key differences that must be taken into account when producing quality code. This means understanding the individual purpose of each language and how to apply the elements of coding accordingly.

For example, Code Craft begins by introducing readers to the basics of coding techniques. An emphasis is placed on designing code that is readable and consistent, so as to ensure that any programmer can immediately understand how the code works. Furthermore, the importance of employing proper principles, such as abstraction and modularity, are discussed in order to create code that is scalable and flexible.

The second portion of Code Craft focuses on optimization. By outlining practical techniques such as identifying bottlenecks, minimizing redundant code and utilizing proper algorithms, the reader is better equipped to write code that runs with the least amount of overhead possible. DeSteno also emphasizes the importance of proper testing and debugging, which further ensures optimal operation.

Finally, Code Craft offers readers a comprehensive overview of coding conventions and standards. DeSteno encourages the use of certain best practices, such as the use of comments and indentation in order to make code easier to follow and modify. This is in addition to providing advice on how to structure and document code for future use.

Overall, Code Craft succeeds in teaching readers the valuable skills necessary to write excellent code. By adhering to proper conventions, the reader gains a better understanding of coding principles and how to optimize code for maximum efficiency. Furthermore, the book provides a thorough breakdown of best practices to ensure code quality and readability, making it a valuable resource for any aspiring coder.