Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You by Frances X. Frei, Anne Morriss
Leadership is essential to any successful organization and individuals need to possess strong leadership qualities to lead by example and be respected. But often, leaders feel the need to hold back their true leadership power and the associated confidence that drives it.
In her book "Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You," Frances X. Frei offers an inspiring, practical guide to unleash the unapologetic leader within and lead others to success with an unwavering sense of self.
Throughout the book, Frei draws on her own decades of experience in the world of business and management to provide readers with actionable steps to tap into the source of their own leadership power and develop their emotional intelligence, giving them the confidence to calmly, powerfully and effectively lead their team and organization to success.
In the first chapter, Frei speaks of her own journey to becoming an unapologetic leader and stresses the importance of owning one's power and not caving in to the "diminished and submissive" expectations of many. She places emphasis on understanding one's unique strengths, key values and greatest aspirations, and encourages readers to master the "quiet art of staying true to one's intentions without changing course or apologizing for doing what is right for the organization."
The following chapters provide insight into creating a high-performing organization and conquering obstacles that may come up along the way, from inspiring and motivated employees to effective partnerships and inspiring leadership. Frei also provides readers with important tools and skills to help them launch their own projects and build successful teams.
Frei offers advice for developing the inner strength and clarity needed to be an effective leader, starting with self-exploration and recognizing how one's strengths, weaknesses and ambitions shape their approach to work. She also explains how to manage the oftentimes delicate balance between the need to make decisions confidently and rapidly and the expectation of being an inspiring, positive leader.
By recognizing and overcoming doubt, fear and insecurity as a leader, Frei argues that individuals can become resolute and unapologetic in their approach. Throughout the book, Frei weaves in anecdotes and inspiring stories of real-life leaders who have managed to make their mark on the world, and inspires readers to do the same in their own lives.
"Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You" is a powerful and inspiring self-help manual that encourages readers to tap into their own unique source of leadership power and reach their goals as unapologetic, engaged leaders. With Frei's advice and guidance, readers can learn how to stand strong, stay true to their values, and lead others to success.